You can keep struggling by yourself or we can do this together!

The good news you get to choose your next move. Solo mission or humble yourself enough to ask for help! Oh you don’t ask for help? Let me guess you’re an independent woman who thinks she should be able to lose weight the old fashion way—diet, exercise and a Jane Fonda VHS. Respectfully sister, that ain’t going to work—might as well look for a local Curves to donate your money to or just flush it down the toilet. Hey guess what? I’ve done both of those popular programs and every other diet, so I get you! The time is now to do a program that will give you results: ✅ lose 10-20 lbs ✅ keep off and maintain the weight for life ✅ teach you what to eat and when to burn fat ✅ break you free from life long habits that have kept you in a dark place for way too long ✅ instill an inner confidence that shines so bright you light up the room like a Christmas tree ✅ help you find clothes you love and feel amazing in because you have the confidence to rock them and know you loooook goood! I was never any good at asking for help myself either, so I feel you sister, but times have changed and so has our food quite frankly. The days of going to a Weight Watchers meeting and learning how to count points, then head home for the week by yourself is NOT working anymore. I don’t know about you, but if I’m going to pay for a coach—I better have access to talk to them more than once a week. In my 1:1 coaching program Curvy Fit to Fat you and I sister will be BFFs 👯♀️ I will believe in you until you do! I will encourage you like no one ever has! I will be there during the tough times as a listening ear! I will give you the tools to empower you to change you life forever! You get access to me 7 days a week for 12 weeks so that we can, together, help you to lose the weight you are so desperately wanting to lose and finally stop shaming your body for good! DM me for more info on my 1:1 coaching program or comment below ‘ME’ and I’ll message you sister. Have you ever tried any diets in the past that didn’t work? What was missing for you? Would love to hear your thoughts⤵️sister.