Emmy helps women say YES to themselves, celebrate their bodies without counting calories—all while enjoying the foods they love. Emmy works with clients one on one and group settings through her coaching program Curvy Fit without the Fat.
A former collegiate soccer goalkeeper, who was winning on the field, but always felt as if she was less than off the field—she struggled with being the "bigger" friend her whole life and post college was no different. Trying every diet out there, nothing was working, because she wasn’t giving her body the freedom to be who it was made to be.

I'm obsessed with helping women become comfortable in their own skin.

I know what it takes to lose weight and keep it off. I have lost 48 lbs and maintained that for over 5 years now. Now I get to help other women drop pounds and body fat--you could say it is one of my super powers. I’ve tried every diet under the sun, so you won’t have to. You’re welcome.
As a body confidence coach, I will not only help you lose weight, but also help you increase your confidence to love the body you have now on your way to the body you are working for in the future. You need someone who has done it herself, has helped others